Pornography and the Indian Law

Abhay Singh SengarLaw

In today’s IT era where every hand has the reach to Internet with just a single click, we all are very much vulnerable to Pornography. Porn today is more freely and widely available on Internet than ever before. Younger generation … Read More

VoIP in India-What’s it like?

Nitish ChandanCyber Security, Law

VoIP in India Voice over IP is not a new concept to the regular internet user. It is the routing of voice conversation over the internet rather than the PSTN (Public switched telephone network). You talk over viber, skype or … Read More

Social Media : Illegal behind Legal ??

Rachiyta JainCyber Security, Law

Social Media : Illegal behind Legal ?? We all are a bunch of lazy lads. The truth is installing a software is a sequence of click on the “continue”, “I accept” and “Install” button. Likewise we are so restless while … Read More

WhatsApp Web – Really going to help?

Nitish ChandanCyber Security, Law

WhatsApp Web – Really going to help? “WhatsApp goes to facebook, then WhatsApp hits the browser. One tasty piece of cake served to the 700 Million+ users later yesterday is WhatsApp web.” For all those people who have asked for so … Read More

Why start using VPNs?

Nitish ChandanCyber Security, Law

Gone are the days when internet privacy was surfing the internet with your doors locked and no one watching you. The internet is becoming more open by the day. This has enabled hackers, ISP’s, services like google and Facebook to … Read More