TP Shivadas FCS v. State of Kerala

Sachet SahniCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving forging the digital signature of directors and stealing corporate data

TP Shivadas FCS v. State of Kerala In the Kerala High Court BA 4889/2015,  5035/2015, and 5859/2015 Before Justice A. Hari Prasad Decided on November 12, 2015 Relevancy of the case: Whether barging in and stealing a company’s personal data … Read More

M. Mahalingam v. Union of India

Anshika DhawanCase Summary

M.Mahalingam v. Union of India

M. Mahalingam v. Union of India In the High Court of Madras W.P. No. 18649 of 2014 Before Justice P. N. Prakash Decided on April 21, 2015 Relevancy of the case: Whether a High Court can issue a writ of … Read More

Obscenity & the Indian Law

Sahana ChaudhuriLaw

Obscenity & the Indian Law

The best way to define obscenity is actually to not define it. Not because it would be lewd, overreaching or offensive in diktat but because no one has actually done it. Obscenity changes with time, values, society, popular culture etc. … Read More

IT Act is a special provision, so special effect

Nitish ChandanLaw

On December 12th 2016, In Sharat Babu Digumarti vs. Govt. of NCT [Judgment from LiveLaw], the Supreme Court heard claims of both the parties regarding a wide variety of issues. The main portion relevant for this post is with reference … Read More

Where we stand after 15 years of IT Act !!

Rachiyta JainLaw

17th October 2000 marked the beginning of nothing less than a revolution in Indian cyberspace. It was a birth of new era where IT Law came into existence defining boundaries, powers and governing people’s action online. Today as we complete … Read More

Legal Implications of Fake Profiles and How to spot one

Nitish ChandanCyber Security, Law

A—”Hey, how many friends have you got on Facebook?” B—”Ummm… 2000, maybe?” A—”Fakes in there?” B—”What? I don’t know, who cares?” Start caring dear friends! Numbers released from Facebook suggest that 83 million Facebook accounts are fake. “So what?” These … Read More