Pretty Good Privacy

Rachiyta JainCyber Forensics, Cyber Security

PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy. It is an encryption and decryption standard used widely these days. This post will tell you what exactly a PGP is and how it works. In another post, I will tell you how to … Read More

Online Security Moves a Step Ahead

Rachiyta JainCyber Security

The world has not yet stopped gaping at the two-factor authentication process while uQontrol, a US-based start-up company, has already introduced a three-factor authentication; taking online security to an all-new level. What is the Qkey? Physically, the Qkey is similar … Read More

Your Google Search History !

Rachiyta JainCyber Security

Does deleting your browser history give you a sigh of relief? Think again. Google maintains track of all your history since your first search.  This does make almost everybody think twice because, at some point or the other, we all … Read More

Some tips to avoid Facebook Identity Theft

Arpan SinhaCyber Security

Facebook is the most widely used social networking platform, and hence the most vulnerable one. Most of the identity thefts around the web happens through Facebook, thus you mustn’t hold your guard down for any reason. Here are a few … Read More

How to Secure Your Instagram Account

Arpan SinhaCyber Security

There might be a very few Android or iOS users who haven’t ever used Instagram. It has over half a billion active users across the globe. Unfortunately, 80% of the users take the security issues related to social networking sites … Read More

Pornography and the Indian Law

Abhay Singh SengarLaw

In today’s IT era where every hand has the reach to Internet with just a single click, we all are very much vulnerable to Pornography. Porn today is more freely and widely available on Internet than ever before. Younger generation … Read More