Obscenity & the Indian Law

Sahana ChaudhuriLaw

Obscenity & the Indian Law

The best way to define obscenity is actually to not define it. Not because it would be lewd, overreaching or offensive in diktat but because no one has actually done it. Obscenity changes with time, values, society, popular culture etc. … Read More

Is Hosting a Porn Website Legal in India?

Raj PagariyaLaw

Is hosting a Porn Website Legal in India

Out of hundreds of questions that are asked to us via our Facebook Page, E-Mails,  Helpline and Website on a daily basis, the question whether hosting a porn website is legal in India has been one of the most asked questions … Read More

Sent an obscene photo on a WhatsApp group?

Nitish ChandanLaw

I’ve been struck with question about obscene content so many times that I feel writing about it is the best solution. I want to analyze this question on two different levels: Moral and Legal. We’ve come across cases where girls … Read More

IT Act is a special provision, so special effect

Nitish ChandanLaw

On December 12th 2016, In Sharat Babu Digumarti vs. Govt. of NCT [Judgment from LiveLaw], the Supreme Court heard claims of both the parties regarding a wide variety of issues. The main portion relevant for this post is with reference … Read More

Internet Privacy in India: A socio-legal perspective

Rachiyta JainLaw

Everybody has their own way of defining “Privacy.” In simple words, “Privacy” is the right of an individual to make a personal decision regarding his personal matters secluded from public scrutiny. Often people confuse between the terms “privacy” and “security”. … Read More

Where we stand after 15 years of IT Act !!

Rachiyta JainLaw

17th October 2000 marked the beginning of nothing less than a revolution in Indian cyberspace. It was a birth of new era where IT Law came into existence defining boundaries, powers and governing people’s action online. Today as we complete … Read More