Sujeet Kumar v. State of Bihar

Gitanjali SadanCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving capturing a minor's pictures and blackmailing her

Sujeet Kumar v. State of Bihar In the High Court of Patna Cri. Misc. 34759/2020 Before Justice Ahsanuddin Amannulah Decided on February 10, 2021 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a case involving capturing a minor’s pictures and blackmailing … Read More

Much Ado About Sexting

Vidhi JainLaw

Much Ado About Sexting

Today, we live in a world where even a kindergarten child needs a mobile phone to study. Thanks to the pandemic, we all have become slaves of technology. Is it even possible to imagine our lives without our mobile phone, … Read More

Vikas Dogra v. State of H.P.

Sammed AkiwateCase Summary

Vikas Dogra v. State of H.P.

Vikas Dogra v. State of H.P. In the High Court of Himachal Pradesh Cr.M.P.(M) 125/2015 Before Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan Decided on February 5, 2015 Relevancy of the case: Bail application in a case involving sending of morphed pictures to … Read More

S. Karunakaran v. Srileka

Sachet SahniCase Summary

S. Karunakaran v. Srileka  In the Madras High Court CMP 10093/2019            Before Justice T.S. Sivagnanam and Justice N. Sathish Kumar Decided on April 30, 2019 Relevancy of the case: Presumption as to the sender of … Read More