Tata Teleservices Limited v. State of Gujarat

Priyansh JainCase Summary

Tata Teleservices Limited v. State of Gujarat

Tata Teleservices Limited v. State of Gujarat Before the Gujarat High Court Special Civil Application No. 2064 of 2009 Before Justice C.L. Soni Decided on September 12, 2014 Relevancy of the case: Whether subscribers’ base data is a document or … Read More

CIT v. Mastek Ltd.

Priyansh JainCase Summary

CIT v. Mastek Ltd.

CIT v. Mastek Ltd. In the Supreme Court of India Civil Appeals 1667-1668/2010 Before Justice SH Kapadia and Justice Aftab Alam Decided on February 10, 2010 Relevancy of the case: Definition of various phrases related to computer, its functions, and … Read More

Mahesh A R v. State of Kerala

Priyansh JainCase Summary

Mahesh A R v. State of Kerala

Mahesh A R v. State of Kerala In the High Court of Kerala Crl. M.C. 6654/2015 Before Justice B. Kemal Pasha Decided on October 29, 2015 Relevancy of the case: Case involving the hacking of a website Statutes & Provisions … Read More

Chaudhary Hirabhai Manjibhai v. State of Gujarat

Priyansh JainCase Summary

Chaudhary Hirabhai Manjibhai v. State of Gujarat

Chaudhary Hirabhai Manjibhai v. State of Gujarat In the Gujarat High Court Criminal Misc. Application No. 8230 0f 2012 Before Justice Rajesh H. Shukla Decided on August 08, 2012 Relevancy of the case: Suspension of sentence for an offence under … Read More

Shreya Singhal v. Union of India

Abhay Singh SengarCase Summary

Shreya Singhal V. Union of India

Shreya Singhal v. Union of India (2015) 5 SCC 1 In the Supreme Court of India WP(Crl.) 167/2012 Before Justice Chelameswar and Justice RF Nariman Decided on March 24, 2015 Relevancy of the case: Constitutional Validity of Section 66A of … Read More

Premachandran v. Ravindhar

Abhay Singh SengarCase Summary

Premachandran v. Ravindha

Premachandran v. Ravindhar In the Kerala High Court Crl. M.C. No. 89 of 2013 Before Justice Ramachandran Nair January 17, 2013 Relevancy of the case: Compounding of charges under Section 77A of IT Act Statutes & Provisions Involved The Information … Read More