Mahesh A R v. State of Kerala

Priyansh JainCase Summary

Mahesh A R v. State of Kerala

Mahesh A R v. State of Kerala
In the High Court of Kerala
Crl. M.C. 6654/2015
Before Justice B. Kemal Pasha
Decided on October 29, 2015

Relevancy of the case: Case involving the hacking of a website

Statutes & Provisions Involved

  • The Information Technology Act, 2000 (Section 43(a)(d), 66(c))

Relevant Facts of the Case

  • One of the respondents accused the petitioner of hacking a website owned by them under the IT Act 2000.
  • However, the two parties had amicably settled the matter and the respondent submitted that he had no grievances or complaints against the petitioner.

Opinion of the Bench

  • The bench opined that since the parties amicably settled the matter, there was no need to investigate the matter. In addition, there were no other criminal antecedents against the petitioner.

Final Decision

  • The bench allowed the petition and quashed all the proceedings against the petitioner.

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