R. v. Sendel

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Alcohol/Drug abuse as a defence in a case involving sextortion and exploitation of minor girls

R. v. Sendel 2023 QCCQ 6210 In the Court of Quebec Case Number 500-01-195505-190 Before Judge Salvatore Mascia Decided on September 21, 2023 Relevancy of the Case: Alcohol/Drug abuse as a defence in a case involving sextortion and exploitation of … Read More

A Detailed Guide to Deceptive Patterns (or Dark Patterns)

Adyasha SahooLaw

A Detailed Guide to Deceptive Patterns (or Dark Patterns)

Dark Patterns or Deceptive Design Patterns are certain dirty tricks websites and apps use that make consumers or users take specific actions they do not mean to. In 2010, Harry Brignull coined the term dark patterns. For example, whenever WhatsApp updates … Read More

Agi Music Sdn Bhd v. Ilaiyaraja & Anr.

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Status of copyright ownership and exploitation after the assignee's death

Agi Music Sdn Bhd v. Ilaiyaraja & Anr. (2019) 4 LW 418 In the High Court of Madras C.S. 308/2013 and 625/2014 Before Justice Anita Sumanth Decided on June 4, 2019 Relevancy of the Case: Status of copyright ownership and … Read More

Fatima Riswana v. State

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Fatima Riswana v. State

 Fatima Riswana v. State (2005) 1 SCC 582 In the Supreme Court of India C.A.  61-62/2005 Before Justice N Santosh Hegde and Justice S B Sinha Decided on January 11, 2005 Relevancy of the case: Transfer of a case involving … Read More

Avinash Tripathy v. State of Odisha

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Avinash Tripathy v. State of Odisha

Avinash Tripathy v. State of Odisha In the High Court of Orissa BLAPL 1065/2019 Before Justice S. K. Sahoo Decided on March 14, 2019 Relevancy of the case: Bail application in a case involving capturing and morphing of indecent pictures … Read More