A Report on Electronic Banking Frauds in India [December 2017]

Raj PagariyaCyber Forensics, Cyber Security, Law

Frauds in India

The Cyber Blog India’s First Report on Electronic Banking Frauds in India – December 2017

We present this report as the first of its kind and primary data based research conducted by the team. This report has
been made with no funding, financial support or mandate of any project. We are a small team of young people striving to tackle and solve the growing menace of cyber crime in India.

In our experience through the cases that we have received, we have observed that intermediaries like payment aggregators, online wallets, and mobile service providers are quick and responsive to complaints. Procedural hassles in some cases lead to blockades even when the disputed money sits in the fraudulent accounts. We hope that through this report all functionaries of electronic banking frauds realize it is time to act and governments and organizations take up the agenda of spreading cyber awareness among citizens.

The data used in this report represents a small variable of the actual electronic banking fraud in India. We have not used data from news reports and informal information to build this report.


To download this report, click here.