Ahamar Sharafatali Siddiki v. State of Maharashtra

Harmannat KourCase Summary

Appeal against conviction and bail application in a case involving stalking and sexual offences against a child

 Ahamar Sharafatali Siddiki v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay Interim Application 04-05/2021 and Crl. App. 01/2021 Before Justice A.S. Gadkari Decided on January 04, 2021 Relevancy of the case: Appeal against conviction and bail application in … Read More

Ajay Sahebrao Aher v. State of Maharashtra

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Quashing of an FIR involving impersonation, stalking, and defamation after settlement between the parties

 Ajay Sahebrao Aher v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay WP (Crl.) 2012/2021 Before Justice S.S. Shinde and Justice Abhay Ahuja Decided on June 01, 2021 Relevancy of the case: Quashing of an FIR involving impersonation, stalking, … Read More

Prosecutrix v. Piyush Saxena

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Application for bail cancellation in a case involving sexual molestation of a minor and recording of the act

Prosecutrix v. Piyush Saxena ILR 2022 MP 1498 In the High Court of Madhya Pradesh MCRC 6190/2022 Before Justice Anand Pathak Decided on March 31, 2022 Relevancy of the case: Application for bail cancellation in a case involving sexual molestation … Read More

Amit Khokkar v. State of Haryana

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving allegations of cheating, sexual harassment, and extortion after the settlement between parties

Amit Khokkar v. State of Haryana In the High Court of Punjab & Haryana CRM-M 31843/2023 (O&M) Before Justice Alka Sarin Decided on November 21, 2023 Relevancy of the case: Bail application in a case involving allegations of cheating, sexual … Read More

Nishal O.P. v. State of Kerala

Shravya SrivastavaCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving the publication and transmission of obscene photos of a woman

Nishal O.P. v. State of Kerala In the High Court of Kerala B.A. 7904/2022 Before Justice Bechu Kurian Thomas Decided on October 14, 2022 Relevancy of the case: Bail application in a case involving the publication and transmission of obscene … Read More

Amit Malik v. State

Raj PagariyaCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving stalking and recording an obscene video for blackmailing

Amit Malik v. State In the High Court of Delhi B.A. 1400/2021 and Crl.M.A. 6628/2021 Before Justice Subramonium Prasad Decided on November 8, 2021 Relevancy of the case: Bail application in a case involving stalking and recording an obscene video … Read More

Satheesh Chandra Babu v. State of Kerala

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Quashing of proceedings in a case involving stalking and impersonation after the settlement between parties

Satheesh Chandra Babu v. State of Kerala In the High Court of Kerala Crl. M.C. 6323/2021 Before Justice Kauser Edappagath Decided on January 4, 2022 Relevancy of the case: Quashing of proceedings in a case involving stalking and impersonation after … Read More