Crowley v. Cybersource Corp.

Ritesh KaraleCase Summary

Complaint against a payment processor under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act for storing personal details of Amazon's customers for profiling

Crowley v. Cybersource Corp. 166 F.Supp.2d 1263 In the United States District Court for the Northern District of California Case Number C-00-3180 Before District Judge Orrick Decided on September 13, 2001 Relevancy of the Case: Complaint against a payment processor … Read More

United States v. Shriver

Ritesh KaraleCase Summary

Is the Electronic Communications Privacy Act applicable to a transmission intercepted by a modified descrambler?

United States v. Shriver 989 F.2d 898 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Case Number 92-1510 Before Chief Judge Bauer, Circuit Judge Manion, and District Judge Moody Decided on November 23, 1992 Relevancy of the … Read More

Ideal Aerosmith, Inc. v. Acutronic USA, Inc.

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Does the Federal Wiretapping Act cover redirecting emails containing trade secrets?

Ideal Aerosmith, Inc. v. Acutronic USA, Inc. In the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania Civil Action 07-1029 Before Chief District Judge Ambrose Decided on December 13, 2007 Relevancy of the Case: Does the Federal Wiretapping … Read More

United States v. McLaren

Ritesh KaraleCase Summary

Admissibility of call recordings intercepted by the employer on reasonable suspicion of fraudulent activity

United States v. McLaren 957 F. Supp. 215 In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida Case Number 96-64 CR-J-99(H) Before District Judge Hodges Decided on January 28, 1997 Relevancy of the case: Admissibility of call … Read More

Vinod Bhandari v. State of Madhya Pradesh

Ritesh KaraleCase Summary

Bail application for the involvement in the infamous Vyapam scam

Vinod Bhandari v. State of Madhya Pradesh (2015) 1 SCC 502 : (2015) 4 SCC (Cri) 480 In the Supreme Court of India Crl. App. 220/2015 Before Justice T.S. Thakur and Justice A.K. Goel Decided on February 04, 2015 Relevancy … Read More

Gagan Harsh Sharma v. State of Maharashtra

Ritesh KaraleCase Summary

Overriding effect of Section 81 of the Information Technology Act, 2000

Gagan Harsh Sharma v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay W.P. 4361/2018 Before Justice Ranjit More and Justice B.H. Dangre Decided on October 01, 2018 Relevancy of the Case: Overriding effect of Section 81 of the Information … Read More

Sarojkumar Mahendra Singh v. State of Maharashtra

Ritesh KaraleCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving fraudulent transfer of money from the complainant's account

Sarojkumar Mahendra Singh v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay B.A. 3075/2019 Before Justice S.K. Shinde Decided on January 07, 2020 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a case involving fraudulent transfer of money from the … Read More