RAR v. A University

Shabadpreet KaurCase Summary

Appeal seeking a reduction in the documentation required by the University to decide on misconduct and suspension proceedings

RAR v. A University [2017] CSIH 11 In the Court of Session, Inner House, Second Division Case Number P833/11 Before Lord Justice Clerk Lady Dorrian, Lord Bracadale, and Lord Glennie Decided on February 10, 2017 Relevancy of the case: Appeal … Read More

Halo and Horn Effect on Social Media

Saishya DuggalLaw

Halo and Horn Effect on Social Media

The words halo and horn evoke some celestial images in the mind — of angels and devils, of hell and heaven. However, the psychological effects they reflect aren’t as literal. Oxford defines the halo and horn effect as “an effect in which … Read More

Role Models America, Inc. v. Jones

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

In a CFAA claim, is receiving information over email the same as accessing information on a computer intentionally?

Role Models America, Inc. v. Jimmie Jones & Nova Southeastern University 305 F.Supp.2d 564 In the United States District Court for the District of Maryland Case Number CIV. 03-1857 Before District Judge Blake Decided on February 25, 2004 Relevancy of … Read More