R. v. Weedon

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Sentencing hearing in a case involving accessing ex-girlfriend's Snapchat account and posting her nude images

R. v. Weedon 2023 ONCJ 318 In the Ontario Court of Justice Court File Number 22-14721 Before Justice R. Wadden Decided on July 17, 2023 Relevancy of the Case: Sentencing hearing in a case involving accessing ex-girlfriend’s Snapchat account and … Read More

R. v. Coban

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Admissibility of social media statements in an online sextortion trial under the traditional exception to the hearsay rule

R. v. Coban 2021 BCSC 2297 In the Supreme Court of British Columbia Docket 078463 Before Justice Devlin Decided on November 25, 2021 Relevancy of the Case: Admissibility of social media statements in an online sextortion trial under the traditional exception … Read More

R. v. Coban

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Is presenting evidence from the accused's other cases prejudicial in a trial for blackmailing and extortion of a minor girl?

R. v. Coban 2021 BCSC 1855 In the Supreme Court of British Columbia Docket X078463 Before Justice Devlin Decided on September 23, 2021 Relevancy of the Case: Is presenting evidence from the accused’s other cases prejudicial in a trial for … Read More

United States v. Harpel

Saatvika Reddy SathiCase Summary

Appeal against the conviction in a case involving disclosure of an unlawfully intercepted wire communication

United States v. Harpel 493 F.2d 346 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Case Number 73-1408 Before Chief Judge Lewis, Circuit Judge Murrah, and Circuit Judge McWilliams Decided on March 12, 1974 Relevancy of the … Read More

Neder v. United States

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Role of the "harmless error" rule in jury instructions in a case involving federal mail, wire, and bank fraud statutes

Neder v. United States 527 U.S. 1, 40 (1999) In the Supreme Court of the United States of America Case Number 97-1985 Before Chief Justice Rehnquist, Justice O’Connor, Justice Kennedy, Justice Thomas, Justice Breyer, Justice Stevens, and Justice Scalia Decided … Read More