Bohach v. City of Reno

Raj PagariyaCase Summary

Can police officers reasonably expect privacy while using departmental communication systems?

Bohach v. City of Reno 932 F.Supp. 1232 In the United States District Court for the District of Nevada Case Number CV-N-96-403-ECR Before District Judge E.C. Reed, Jr. Decided on July 23, 1996 Relevancy of the Case: Can police officers … Read More

United States v. Turk

Rugved MahamuniCase Summary

Admissibility of illegally seized tape recordings at a subsequent perjury trial

United States v. Turk 526 F.2d 654 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Case Number 74-3626 Before Circuit Judge Gewin, Circuit Judge Goldberg, and Circuit Judge Dyer Decided on January 29, 1976 Relevancy of the … Read More

Heggy v. Heggy

Raj PagariyaCase Summary

Does the federal wiretapping statute provide an exception for interspousal wiretapping?

Heggy v. Heggy 944 F.2d 1537 : 60 USLW 2242 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Case Number 90-6122 Before Chief Judge McKay, Circuit Judge Holloway, and District Judge Winder Decided on October 02, 1991 … Read More

Thompson v. Dulaney

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Does the federal wiretapping statute provide an exception for interspousal wiretapping?

Thompson v. Dulaney 970 F.2d 744 : 61 USLW 2111 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Case Number 91-4089 Before Circuit Judge Ebel, Circuit Judge Barrett, and Senior District Judge Kane Decided on July 23, … Read More

Williams v. Poulos

Linet Christina ThomasCase Summary

Liability of a party's attorney for handling intercepted and recorded phone calls

Williams v. Poulos 11 F.3d 271 In the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Case Numbers 93-1366, 93-1368, 93-1680 Before Circuit Judge Selya, Circuit Judge Stahl, and District Judge Fuste Decided on December 14, 1993 Relevancy of … Read More

Reynolds v. Spears

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Claiming damages for illegal interception of an employee's calls by the employer

Reynolds v. Spears 83 F.3d 428 : 65 USLW 2156 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit Case Number 95-2071 Before Circuit Judge Bowman, Circuit Judge Heaney, and Circuit Judge Arnold Decided on August 21, 1996 … Read More

Peavy v. WFAA-TV, Inc.

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Liability of news channel for broadcasting illegally intercepted communication

Peavy v. WFAA-TV, Inc. 221 F.3d 158 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Case Number 99-10272 Before Circuit Judge Politz, Circuit Judge Jolly, and Circuit Judge Barksdale Decided on July 31, 2000 Relevancy of the … Read More

Brown v. Waddell

Raj PagariyaCase Summary

Is using a pager clone during an investigation equivalent to installing a pen register?

Brown v. Waddell 50 F.3d 285 : 63 USLW 267 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Case Number 93-1729 Before Senior Circuit Judge Butzner, Senior Circuit Judge Phillips, and Senior District Judge Young Decided on … Read More