Jeevan v. State of Maharashtra

Riya SinghCase Summary

Petition to quash FIR in a case involving allegations of circulating an obscene video clip

Jeevan v. State of Maharashtra (2014) 4 Bom CR (Cri) 682 In the High Court of Bombay Crl. W.P. 731/2013 Before Justice Abhay M. Thipsay Decided on September 30, 2013 Relevancy of the case: Petition to quash FIR in a … Read More

Vishal H. Shah v. State of Jharkhand

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Revision petition for the accused's discharge under Section 66D for sending an email making false allegations

Vishal H. Shah v. State of Jharkhand (2021) 3 JLJR 185 (HC) : (2021) 223 AIC 351 In the High Court of Jharkhand Crl. Rev. 454/2016 Before Justice Shree Chandrashekhar Decided on February 26, 2021 Relevancy of the case: Revision … Read More