Madhu Sudhan Baidya v. Union of India

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Validity of charge memo sent by email for departmental proceedings

Madhu Sudhan Baidya v. Union of India In the Central Administrative Tribunal Original Application 351/01261/2021 Before Ms Bidisha Banerjee, Member (Judicial) and Dr Nandita Chatterjee, Member (Administrative) Decided on February 02, 2022 Relevancy of the case: Validity of charge memo … Read More

Sanjay Dubey v. State of Madhya Pradesh

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Can a High Court go beyond the subject matter of a case while hearing a bail application in a child sexual abuse case?

Sanjay Dubey v. State of Madhya Pradesh In the Supreme Court of India Criminal Appeal 1466/2023 @ SLP (Crl) 11377/2022 Before Justice K. Murari and Justice A. Amanullah Decided on May 11, 2023 Relevancy of the Case: Can a High … Read More