Kiran v. State of Maharashtra

Khilansha MukhijaCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving large-scale misappropriation of funds of a bank

Kiran v. State of Maharashtra (2019) 3 AIR Bom R (Cri) 346 In the High Court of Bombay Crl. App. (ABA) 475, 476/2019 Before Justice Manish Pitale Decided on July 31, 2019 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a … Read More

Saif Sami Damad v. State of Maharashtra

Khilansha MukhijaCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving job fraud in the name of Fly Dubai Airlines

Saif Sami Damad v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay B.A. 1517/2019 Before Justice S.K. Shinde Decided on December 11, 2019 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a case involving job fraud in the name of … Read More

Sarojkumar Mahendra Singh v. State of Maharashtra

Ritesh KaraleCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving fraudulent transfer of money from the complainant's account

Sarojkumar Mahendra Singh v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay B.A. 3075/2019 Before Justice S.K. Shinde Decided on January 07, 2020 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a case involving fraudulent transfer of money from the … Read More

Baliram Shivaji Ghante v. State of Maharashtra

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Bail application in a case where the police found four mobile phones in the possession of the accused with a criminal history

Baliram Shivaji Ghante v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay Crl. B.A. 2953/2021 Before Justice N.W. Sambre Decided on September 28, 2021 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a case where the police found four mobile … Read More

Mohd. Irfan v. State (NCT of Delhi)

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving the set up of an illegal telephone exchange to route foreign calls

Mohd. Irfan v. State (NCT of Delhi) In the High Court of Delhi B.A. 229/2023 and Crl. M.A. 17291/2023 Before Justice Amit Sharma Decided on August 22, 2023 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a case involving the set … Read More

Shailabh Jain v. State of Madhya Pradesh

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Should an affected party approach the Adjudicating Officer first before filing a complaint with the police?

Shailabh Jain v. State of Madhya Pradesh ILR 2013 MP 2747 In the High Court of Madhya Pradesh M.Cr.C. 7894/2013 Before Justice N.K. Gupta Decided on November 01, 2013 Relevancy of the case: Should an affected party approach the Adjudicating … Read More

Vritika Jay Talreja v. State of Maharashtra

Adyasha SahooCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving the hacking of a Facebook account and publishing an offensive post

Vritika Jay Talreja v. State of Maharashtra & Anr. In the High Court of Bombay ABA (ST) 2132/2020 Before Justice Sarang V. Kotwal Decided on December 03, 2020 Relevancy of the case: Bail application in a case involving the hacking … Read More

Mahesh Dnyaneshwar Khairnar v. State of Maharashtra

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Anticipatory bail application in a case involving the misuse of a Tahsildar's password for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sanman Nidhi Scheme

Mahesh Dnyaneshwar Khairnar v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay ABA 1452/2021 Before Justice Prakash D. Naik Decided on December 03, 2021 Relevancy of the case: Anticipatory bail application in a case involving the misuse of a … Read More

Sreela P. Mani v. State of Kerala

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving the recording and display of a film containing nudity for unlawful gains

Sreela P. Mani v. State of Kerala In the High Court of Kerala B.A. 10105/2023 Before Justice A. Badharudeen Decided on February 15, 2023 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a case involving the recording and display of a … Read More