Agi Music Sdn Bhd v. Ilaiyaraja & Anr.

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Status of copyright ownership and exploitation after the assignee's death

Agi Music Sdn Bhd v. Ilaiyaraja & Anr. (2019) 4 LW 418 In the High Court of Madras C.S. 308/2013 and 625/2014 Before Justice Anita Sumanth Decided on June 4, 2019 Relevancy of the Case: Status of copyright ownership and … Read More

Kodali Bose Babu v. K. Vidya Sagar

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Can technological advancements revert a specific right to the previous owner after the copyright assignment?

Kodali Bose Babu v. K. Vidya Sagar In the High Court of Madras C.S. 314/2009 Before Justice N. Sathish Kumar Decided on November 5, 2019 Relevancy of the Case: Can technological advancements revert a specific right to the previous owner … Read More