Bansal v. Russ

Adyasha SahooCase Summary

Extent of immunity for US Attorneys in a case involving allegations for illegal search and seizure, unauthorised interception, and financial privacy rights

Bansal v. Russ 513 F.Supp.2d 264 In the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Civil Action 06-4264 Before Senior District Judge Katz Decided on April 05, 2007 Relevancy of the Case: Extent of immunity for US … Read More

Ideal Aerosmith, Inc. v. Acutronic USA, Inc.

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Does the Federal Wiretapping Act cover redirecting emails containing trade secrets?

Ideal Aerosmith, Inc. v. Acutronic USA, Inc. In the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania Civil Action 07-1029 Before Chief District Judge Ambrose Decided on December 13, 2007 Relevancy of the Case: Does the Federal Wiretapping … Read More

United States v. Harvey

Adyasha SahooCase Summary

Reasonability of interception for the protection of carrier rights in a wire fraud conviction

United States v. Harvey 540 F.2d 1345 In the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit Case Number 75-1846 Before Senior Circuit Judge Van Oosterhout, Circuit Judge Lay and Circuit Judge Webster Decided on August 24, 1976 Relevancy … Read More

Sidhique Kappan v. Directorate of Enforcement

Adyasha SahooCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving money laundering allegations through fraudulent transactions

Sidhique Kappan v. Directorate of Enforcement In the High Court of Allahabad Crl. Misc. B.A. 13642/2022 Before Justice D.K. Singh Decided on December 23, 2022 Relevancy of the Case: Bail application in a case involving money laundering allegations through fraudulent … Read More

IndusInd Bank Ltd. v. Amos Corporation & Ors.

Adyasha SahooCase Summary

Appeal against the Adjudicating Officer's decision in a case involving a bank allowing withdrawals beyond the set limit of a customer's account

IndusInd Bank Ltd. v. Amos Corporation & Ors. In the Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal Misc. Application 369/2021 in Cyber Appeal 10/2019 Before Justice D.N. Patel, Chairperson and Mr S.K. Gupta, Member Decided on July 27, 2022 Relevancy of … Read More

Subrata Roy Sahara v. Union of India

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Seeking recusal of the Supreme Court bench hearing the matter in a case involving online fundraising platforms, digital evidence in investigations, and jurisdictional challenges

Subrata Roy Sahara v. Union of India (2014) 8 SCC 470 : (2014) 3 SCC (Cri) 712 : (2014) 4 SCC (Civ) 424 In the Supreme Court of India WP (Crl.) 57/2014 Before Justice K.S.P. Radhakrishnan and Justice J.S. Khehar … Read More