XXX v. Persons Unknown

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Claim to remove the claimant's name from the judgment in a ransomware attack due to sensitivity of information involved

XXX v. Persons Unknown [2022] EWHC 2776 (KB) In the High Court of Justice, King’s Bench Division Case Number QB-2022-001083 Before Justice Cavanagh Decided on October 25, 2022 Relevancy of the Case: Claim to remove the claimant’s name from the … Read More

Siobhain Crosbie v. Caroline Ley

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Claim for defamation due to merged Google listing of the claimant and defendant

Siobhain Crosbie v. Caroline Ley [2023] EWHC 2626 (KB) In the High Court of Justice, King’s Bench Division, Media and Communications List Case Number QB-2020-004248 Before Justice Julian Knowles Decided on November 01, 2023 Relevancy of the Case: Claim for … Read More

R. v. Sendel

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Alcohol/Drug abuse as a defence in a case involving sextortion and exploitation of minor girls

R. v. Sendel 2023 QCCQ 6210 In the Court of Quebec Case Number 500-01-195505-190 Before Judge Salvatore Mascia Decided on September 21, 2023 Relevancy of the Case: Alcohol/Drug abuse as a defence in a case involving sextortion and exploitation of … Read More

R. v. Coban

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Admissibility of social media statements in an online sextortion trial under the traditional exception to the hearsay rule

R. v. Coban 2021 BCSC 2297 In the Supreme Court of British Columbia Docket 078463 Before Justice Devlin Decided on November 25, 2021 Relevancy of the Case: Admissibility of social media statements in an online sextortion trial under the traditional exception … Read More

R. v. McFarlane

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Appeal against the sentencing hearing in a case of voyeurism, distribution of intimate image without consent, and extortion

R. v. McFarlane 2018 MBCA 48 In the Court of Appeal of Manitoba Docket AR18-30-09000 Before Justice D.M. Cameron, Justice W.J. Burnett, and Justice C.J. Mainella Decided on April 26, 2018 Relevancy of the Case: Appeal against the sentencing hearing … Read More