Khanjan Jagadishkumar Thakkar v. Waahiid Ali Khan & Ors

The Cyber Blog IndiaCase Summary

Interim relief in a defamation suit for alleging money laundering through cryptocurrency and hawala transactions

Khanjan Jagadishkumar Thakkar v. Waahiid Ali Khan & Ors .
In the High Court of Bombay
I.A. 399/2024 in Suit (L) 398/2024
Before Justice Bharati Dangre
Decided on April 02, 2024

Relevancy of the case: Interim relief in a defamation suit for alleging money laundering through cryptocurrency and hawala transactions

Statutes and Provisions Involved

  • The Information Technology Act, 2000 (Section 66)
  • The Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Section 420, 465, 467, 468, 471, 120B)
  • The Maharashtra Prevention of Gambling Act, 1887 (Section 12A)

Relevant Facts of the Case

  • A social worker filed an FIR against the plaintiff, alleging fraud, conspiracy, and money laundering through cryptocurrency and hawala transactions.
  • Based on this complaint, the defendant posted defamatory content, including his opinions and allegations against the plaintiff, on social media.

Prominent Arguments by the Advocates

  • The plaintiff’s counsel argued that the defendant has created opinions and accusations that are not based on convincing evidence, which has damaged the plaintiff’s reputation.
  • The defendant’s counsel submitted that the defendant was performing his fundamental duty of distributing information as a journalist under the right to freedom of speech.

Opinion of the Bench

  • Investigative journalism does not fall within the ambit of public interest.
  • The defendant has failed to provide a single justification of truth as a defence to defamation.
  • The court is entitled to scrutinise defamatory material in the interlocutory stage.

Final Decision

  • The court granted relief through the interim application.