Flowil International Lighting (Holding) v. Digital Gadgets

Pragya AgrawalCase Summary

Flowil International Lighting (Holding) v. Digital Gadgets

Flowil International Lighting (Holding) v. Digital Gadgets
(2014) 58 PTC 219
In the High Court of Delhi
CS(OS) 1391/2010
Before Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw
Decided on March 14, 2014

Relevancy of the case: Petition to prevent the sale of infringed goods from the defendant’s websites

Statutes and Provisions Involved

  • The Information Technology Act, 2000 (Section 2(w), 79)

Relevant Facts of the Case

  • The plaintiff filed the plea for a permanent injunction against the defendant’s use of their registered trademark for which the defendants took no permission.
  • The plaintiff has in the plea proposed to add other defendants that are promoting, selling, exporting, etc., goods with the plaintiff’s trademark.
  • The passed-off goods are also being sold on websites globally without obtaining a license.

Prominent Arguments by the Advocates

  • The plaintiff’s counsel submits that the defendants were not intermediaries but were engaged in affecting the sale of the infringed goods.
  • The defendant’s counsel submits that the defendants only provide a platform for the sale and purchase of goods and are intermediaries. Also, according to the guidelines set, the defendants take down necessary content/goods if there is any objection regarding the same. They also assured that the sale of such goods has stopped on their websites.

Opinion of the Bench

  • The court found out that the plaintiff had settled the claim by entering into a settlement agreement with the defendant. This agreement would mean that the plaintiff has waived off their claim.
  • The bench believed that if the cause of action has disappeared, then the plaintiff can’t keep the suit alive against the proposed defendants for merely selling those goods.

Final Decision

  • Petition dismissed.