Ajay D.N. v. Sujith S.S.

Sachet SahniCase Summary

Legal recognition of OMR sheets as electronic records.

 Ajay D.N. v. Sujith S.S. In the High Court of Kerala W.P.(C) 37082/2007-M Before Justice P.V. Asha Decided on February 21, 2017 Relevancy of the case: Legal recognition of OMR sheets as electronic records. Statutes & Provisions Involved The Information … Read More

P.K. Sarin v. Govt. of NCT

Sonal SurbhiCase Summary

payment of salary through Electronic Clearance System

P.K. Sarin v. Govt. of NCT In the Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi O.A. No. 824/2007 Before Mr V.K. Bali, Chairman and Mr L.K. Joshi, Vice Chairman (A) Decided on July 3, 2007 Relevancy of the case: Payment … Read More

Text Hundred India Pvt. Ld. v. CIT

Vidhi JainCase Summary

Admissibility of electronic record.

Text Hundred India Pvt. Ld. v. CIT In the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal ITA No. 2095 to 2098/Del/2014 and ITA No. 2849 to 2851 & 2852/Del/2014 Before Mr H.S. Sidhu, J.M. and Mr Prashant Maharishi, A.M. Decided on July 31, … Read More

Dasam Vijay Rama Rao v. M. Sai Sri

Vidhi JainCase Summary

Dasam Vijay Rama Rao v. M. Sai Sri

Dasam Vijay Rama Rao v. M. Sai Sri AIR 2015 Hyd 191 In the High Court of Telangana Civil Revision Petition No. 1621 of 2015 Before Justice Nooty Ramamohana Rao Decided on June 17, 2015 Relevancy of the case: Recording … Read More

State of Orissa v. Narayan Chandra Nayak

Vidhi JainCase Summary

State of Orissa v. Narayan Chandra Nayak

State of Orissa v. Narayan Chandra Nayak (2013) 121 AIC 431 In the High Court of Orissa Cr. M.C. No. 3812 of 2011 Before Justice B.K. Nayak Decided on August 01, 2012 Relevancy of the case: Using audio-video cassettes containing … Read More