The A-B-C-D of Digital Inclusion in India

Saishya DuggalLaw

The A-B-C-D of Digital Inclusion in India

Do you (and the people around you) have access to the Internet and related digital technologies? Do you make use of these? If you pick yes as your answer to these two questions, congratulations! You comprise one part of the … Read More

Does the Internet defy territorial borders?

Keerthi KasturiLaw

Does the Internet defy territorial borders in cyber space

Cyber space may appear to be the epitome of deterritorialisation at work. It is a virtual environment that is based on the ubiquity principle. It appears everywhere and anywhere, and you cannot contain it. Given that human activity is now … Read More

Why is the EU a pioneer in regulating tech?

Saishya DuggalLaw

Why is the EU a pioneer in regulating tech?

There is no denying the European Union’s (EU) groundbreaking work in regulating tech. The 27-member Union has been elbow-deep in building policy around technology since 2016. In that year, it published the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a defining data … Read More

The Quest for a Universal Regulation on Cyber Crime

Pallavi SinghLaw

The Quest for a Universal Regulation on Cyber Crime

The twentieth century has introduced some of the greatest inventions humankind has seen. The internet is one such invention. There is barely any area untouched by its very presence in our daily lives. Due to its intangible and boundaryless nature, … Read More

A Detailed Guide to Deceptive Patterns (or Dark Patterns)

Adyasha SahooLaw

A Detailed Guide to Deceptive Patterns (or Dark Patterns)

Dark Patterns or Deceptive Design Patterns are certain dirty tricks websites and apps use that make consumers or users take specific actions they do not mean to. In 2010, Harry Brignull coined the term dark patterns. For example, whenever WhatsApp updates … Read More

A Beginner’s Guide to Space Transition Theory

Pallavi SinghLaw

Space Transition Theory explains the nature & behaviour leading to commission of cyber crime with time, space and circumstances as catalysts.

The nature of cyber crimes evolves rapidly in line with technological developments. To understand why cyber crimes happen, various cyber criminology theories have attempted to explain this. These theories seek to diagnose the minuscule reason leading to the occurrence of … Read More

An Insight Into Digital Realpolitik

Saishya DuggalCyber Security

The best way to understand cyberpolitik is by evaluating the events that have underscored its importance: Stuxnet and beyond.

The word realpolitik often generates esoteric, perplexing worries in the mind of the average Joe, conjuring up images of an elaborate congress and combative political discourse. It’s me: I’m this average Joe. A little research, however, reveals a painfully less … Read More

Free-To-Air (FTA) Services & the Rise of Doordarshan in India

Saishya DuggalLaw

Free-To-Air (FTA) Services & the Rise of Doordarshan in India

Doordarshan, an autonomous Indian public service broadcaster and ubiquitous program on Indian television, is the perfect example to explain Free-To-Air services. Operated by Prasar Bharati, a public service broadcaster, it plays on Indian TVs through the DD Free Dish, a … Read More