R. v. Coles-Day (Stephen)

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Role of digital evidence in a conviction for dangerous driving

R. v. Coles-Day (Stephen) [2015] EWCA Crim 2444 In the Court of Appeal, Criminal Division Case Number 2015/1726/C2 Before Lady Justice Sharp DBE, Justice Davies DBE and Judge Bourne-Arton Decided on December 10, 2015 Relevancy of the case: Role of … Read More

Thorntons Investment Holdings Ltd v. Matheson

Harmannat KourCase Summary

Admissibility of evidence obtained through dawn raids in the context of right to privacy and right to fair trial under the ECHR

 Thorntons Investment Holdings Ltd v. Matheson [2023] CSOH 85 : 2023 S.L.T. 1305 In the Court of Session, Outer House Before Lord Sandison Decided on November 29, 2023 Relevancy of the case: Admissibility of evidence obtained through dawn raids in … Read More

Digital Evidence: Using Dating Apps for Investigations

Harmannat KourLaw

Digital Evidence Using Dating Apps for Investigations

Would you prefer to meet your significant other organically or through a dating app? Nowadays, many people choose dating apps to socialise and meet their better half. However, where the hopeless romantic in you believes your soulmate is out there … Read More

Tarun Sadana v. State

Harmannat KourCase Summary

Prosecuting for the same offence under the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Indian Penal Code, 1860, violates protection against double jeopardy

 Tarun Sadana v. State In the High Court of Delhi Crl. M.C. 5833/2019 & Crl. M.A. 40458/2019 Before Justice Suresh Kumar Kait Decided on November 18, 2019 Relevancy of the case: Prosecuting for the same offence under the Information Technology … Read More

The Role of Dating Apps in Proving Consent

Harmannat KourLaw

The Role of Dating Apps in Proving Consent

The nature of relationships and consent has significantly changed due to the popularity of online dating platforms. As these interactions continue to increase in virtual space, examining the role of digital evidence in the legal matters surrounding online dating becomes … Read More

Ahamar Sharafatali Siddiki v. State of Maharashtra

Harmannat KourCase Summary

Appeal against conviction and bail application in a case involving stalking and sexual offences against a child

 Ahamar Sharafatali Siddiki v. State of Maharashtra In the High Court of Bombay Interim Application 04-05/2021 and Crl. App. 01/2021 Before Justice A.S. Gadkari Decided on January 04, 2021 Relevancy of the case: Appeal against conviction and bail application in … Read More

Harris Azeez v. State of Kerala

Harmannat KourCase Summary

Bail application in a case involving allegations of rape and recording of the act

Harris Azeez v. State of Kerala In the High Court of Kerala Crl. App. 1386/2023 Before Justice P.G. Ajithkumar Decided on October 30, 2023 Relevancy of the case: Bail application in a case involving allegations of rape and recording of … Read More