100+ security settings on Facebook, then why stay insecure?

Rachiyta JainCyber Security

Facebook SecurityFacebook has provided us 100+ security options yet we often end up becoming victims online. Same was the concern in a number of recent workshops that I delivered. I was surprised that people were not aware of the basic setting options available. This post is an easy step by step guide to help you set the best security for your profile. For this start from going to Settings under the drop down menu on top right corner.


Login Alerts

Turn on this setting by selecting “ Get Notifications” and get notified whenever someone logs into your Facebook account from anywhere. These alerts are emailed to you.

Code Generator

Code Generator adds two step authentication to your Facebook account. Click here to read about it.

App Password

It helps you set up a different password or passcodes for apps so that your original password is safe.

Trusted Contacts

Often we forget passwords. Facebook lets you choose two to three trusted contacts. Now a passcode will be sent to these trusted contacts in case you forget your password. Simply ping your friend and ask him the passcode received to get an access back to your account.

Where you’re logged in

Using Facebook on your mobile and laptop? This helps you review where all you are currently logged in. It also helps you check if you are logged in from a suspicious place such as a third persons laptop. You can close that session from here.

Legacy Contact

If you wish to stay alive forever on Facebook you can select a friend or family member who manages your account after you pass away. They will not be able to post on your behalf. Just accept friend request, pin post to your profile and change your profile picture. Staying immortal isn’t a dream anymore after all.



Who can see my stuff?

Who can see your future posts?
Friends. Now only friends on Facebook can see your posts and not the public.

Review all posts that you are tagged in?

Yes. Many of us are fedup of being tagged in photos of friends. At times we are tagged in photos and videos which might have objectionable content. This can even land us behind bars. Reviewing posts you are tagged in lets you chose what is displayed on your profile rather than blindly adding every post you are tagged in as a post.

Limit the Audience for Old Posts on your timeline.
Use this tool to limit the visibility of your public posts in past to only friends. Only friends of people tagged can see the posts apart from your friends

Who can send you friend requests?
If you don’t use Facebook for professional purpose, limit the friend requests you receive to friends of friends. Else you can have it public. However only accept friend request from people you know.

Whose message do I want filtered in my inbox?

Always apply strict filtering. This separates messages from unknown people and friends.

Who can look you up using the email address you provided?
Friends. Your email is equally important as your password to login on Facebook. If we work so hard trying to keep our passwords a secret, then why not email?

Who can look you up using the number you provided?
Friends. Do I really need to repeat why?

Do you want search engines outside Facebook to link to your profile?
Never select this option. Otherwise the next thing you will find all your photos and information on Google. How easy it will be for someone to make your Fake Id or get access to your pics.

Timeline and Tagging

Who can add things to my timeline?

Who can post on your timeline?
Friends. This prevents public to post rubbish on your timeline.

Review post friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline.?
On. Reasons as I said before.

Who can see things on my timeline?

Who can see posts you’ve been tagged in on your timeline?


Who can see what others post on your timeline?

How can I manage tags people add and tagging suggestions?

Review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook?
ON. This prevents people from tagging people in your post you do not wish to. A tag will only be added after you approve.

Who sees tag suggestions when photos that look like you are uploaded?

Hope this helps you secure your Facebook account better. Stay safe 🙂